Westchester County hereby announces its Federal Fiscal Year 2022-2024 goal of 5.00 percent for FTA Disadvantaged Business Enterprise projects. The proposed goal and rationale are available for inspection between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday at the Department of Public Works and Transportation, 148 Martine Avenue 5th Floor, White Plains, NY 10601, until July 12, 2021. To receive a copy of the goal, contact Michael Swee by phone at (914) 995-1647 or by e-mail at mas9@westchestergov.com.


Comments on the DBE goal will be accepted until July 12, 2021 and can be sent to Bridget Gibbons, Deputy Director, Economic Development, Westchester County Office Building - 9th Floor, Room 916C, 148 Martine Avenue, White Plains, NY  10601. You may contact Ms. Gibbons by phone at (914) 995-2952 or by e-mail at bgibbons@westchestergov.com.


Q. What Is a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise?
A. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise certification is governed by Federal regulations. To be eligible for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise certification, a firm must be a small business concern that is at least 51 percent owned and controlled by individuals who are citizens or permanent residents and who are also both. Under the governing Federal regulations, there is a rebuttable presumption that members of the following groups are socially and economically disadvantaged: Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Asian-Pacific Americans, Subcontinent Americans, Women, and any additional groups whose members are designated as socially and economically disadvantaged by the U. S. Small Business Administration. In order to be economically disadvantaged an individual cannot have a personal net worth that exceeds $1.32 million.

Q. Does my firm have to be certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise to do business with Westchester County?
A. No. Any business may compete for any County contract, either as a prime contractor or as a subcontractor, whether or not they are certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise. However, if a firm is seeking to perform work on a contract as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise it must first obtain Disadvantaged Business Enterprise certification from a Certifying Partner in the New York State Unified Certification Program (NYSUCP).

Q. How does Disadvantaged Business Enterprise certification help my firm get business?
A. The County reviews certain contracts to determine whether they present opportunities for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. Based upon the funding source of contracts and the applicable federal regulation, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise participation goals may be established on certain contracts. Once Disadvantaged Business Enterprise contract goals have been established, only certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise firms may be used to meet the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise participation goals unless there are no Disadvantaged Business Enterprise firms willing or able to perform the required type of work.

Q. In what other ways does Disadvantaged Business Enterprise certification help my firm?
A. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise certification provides your business with the opportunity to be listed in an electronic directory of certified firms, which is used by agencies and contractors to identify Disadvantaged Business Enterprise firms for participation on contracts. Being a certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise may also open the door to opportunities for growing your business by making it easier for you to market your firm to government entities.

If your firm is certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise by a Certifying Partner in the NYSUCP your Disadvantaged Business Enterprise certification will be recognized and accepted by all agencies in New York State that require Disadvantaged Business Enterprise certification. Additionally, your firm will be listed in the NYSUCP electronic directory.

Q. What are the criteria for obtaining Disadvantaged Business Enterprise certification?
A. The eligibility criteria for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise certification are specifically outlined in the governing Federal regulation at 49 CFR Part 26, Subpart D. In summary, a firm must be a small business concern that is at least 51 percent owned and controlled by individuals who are citizens or permanent residents and who are also socially and economically disadvantaged. The firm must be an independent business and can only receive certification in the areas in which the socially and economically disadvantaged owners exercise control. Firms located outside of New York State must first receive Disadvantaged Business Enterprise certification from their home state.

Q. What is the first step for a firm interested in becoming certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise?
A. The NYSUCP is responsible for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise certification in the state of New York and provides firms with "one-stop" shopping. To apply for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise certification you may contact any one of the four NYSUCP Certifying Partners listed below.

Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA)
Department of Diversity and Civil Rights
2 Broadway – 16th Fl.
New York, NY 10004
Tel.: (646) 252-1378
E-mail: cgreene@mtahq.org

New York State Department of Transportation
Contract Audit Bureau – Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Certification
50 Wolf Rd. – 1st Fl.
Albany, NY 12232

Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
Small Business Programs
233 Park Ave. South – 4th Fl.
New York, NY 10003
Tel.: (212) 435-7828
E-mail: rhsu@panynj.gov

Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority
EEO/Diversity Development Department
181 Ellicott St.
Buffalo, NY 14203
E-mail: linda_seay@nfta.com

For more information on the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program or potential county Disadvantaged Business Enterprise projects, contact:

Michael Swee
100 East First St.
Mount Vernon, NY 10550
Tel.: (914) 995-1647
E-mail: mas9@westchestercountyny.gov

Our Incentives

Westchester County’s various incentives help support startups, assist not-for-profits, and promote economic development through creating, attracting and retaining jobs, and more.


Industrial Development Agency

Sales tax exemptions on new construction, expansion or renovation projects, or the acquisition of new equipment, and more help companies grow and prosper.

Aerial view

Local Development Corporation

Since its inception in 2012, we’ve assisted not-for-profit organizations in securing tax-exempt bond financing benefits totaling over $400 million—at no cost or risk to the taxpayers of Westchester County.

Our Programs

Westchester County offers programs and services to assist and incentivize businesses.

Man on a laptop

Element 46 Incubator

The new Element 46 Incubator program kicked off in 2019 to inspire and support entrepreneurial talent and the development of new businesses in the County. Nearly a hundred business leaders will serve as mentors to startups, offering their expertise, time, and support.

Woman of color smiling

Minority and Women-Owned Business Program

Westchester works to encourage, promote and increase participation of business enterprises owned and controlled by persons of color or women.


Opportunity Zones

This new community investment tool established by Congress in 2017 encourages long-term investments in low-income urban and rural communities nationwide.

American flag waving

Service-Disabled Veteran - Owned Business Program

Westchester encourages and supports eligible SDVOBs to play a greater role in the state's economy by increasing their participation in New York State's contracting opportunities.

Woman at a POS unit

Disadvantaged Business Program

This federally regulated program provides a vehicle for increasing the participation by small businesses owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.

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